After much searching for restaurants, discussing menus and changing dates we finally managed to get out to dinner. We had quite a group. Fishy Fishy was there. And even Alan deigned to be seen with us in public. We ended up at
The Five Horses Tavern. It is a nice place, cozy and not too big but had plenty of space for the nine of us. It reminded Danny... Boy of an Irish Pub. You know, a pub that is actually in Ireland. I'll have to take his word for it. I did like the ambiance. It was casual enough for us but still nice. And the service was good as well. Everyone was attentive and friendly.
I had planned to take pictures of the food but I was too busy talking and eating. So a run down of some of the things we tried will have to do.
Everyone who tasted the ribs said that they were too salty. Like you couldn't finish them all salty. The fried Cornish game hen and the pork belly tacos both got an 'They were ok.' Not high praise but it could have been worse. On the good list would be the hanger steak, horseradish mashed potatoes, tater tots, mac and cheese, and fried chicken sammy. The quesadilla special also got a good vote but that came from Alan who would say the same thing about a dirt sandwich so that one should be taken with a grain of salt. Everyone really liked the haus pretzel and the spicy mustard and beer cheese that comes with it. But the uncontested winner of the evening was the cornbread. It was awesome. It comes out in a little skillet with a dollop of butter on top. It is moist, slightly sweet and cooked so it is a little crispy around the edges. Everyone at the table was talking about it. And we were still talking about it the next day. We plan to go back and just eat cornbread.
Although the food (except the cornbread) was nothing all that special for the most part, that was alright. That was not what the night was about. It was about getting together with friends. (Okay, so it was a little bit about the food. But mostly not.) And in that sense it was a complete success. I believe a good time was had by all. And even though we had our loudest and most obnoxious alum (Alan) there we managed to NOT get kicked out of the restaurant. I am very proud of us all.