You can never have too many good pizza places so it is the goal of the Shipping Monkeys to try as many as possible. This time it is
Crush. They cook the pizzas in a 900 degree oven for 90 seconds. So if you are in a hurry it's a good place for lunch. The other Monkeys had tried it before and given it rave reviews but this was my first taste.
Everyone liked that it was cooked until the edges are black and crunchy. Bee Hee went on and on about the great basil taste. (And you doesn't like basil?) Danny...Boy said the pepperoni was awesome because it was cooked until it was crispy. The others liked it enough to get it several times when there are a lot of pizza places we have liked in the past. So I knew it had to be good.

The pizzas are small so we had to get a lot of them to feed us all. We got a pepperoni, two pepperoni and ricotta (personally, I thought the way they put the ricotta on was unappetizing), a spinach, tomato and feta, a tomato and pesto, a pepper and onion, and a roasted red pepper. And there were seven of us (we had a special guest for this lunch, Burke.) So we ate almost a pizza each because there were only three pieces left over.

It was very good. I don't think I was as impressed as the other Monkeys. Maybe I was expecting too much since they had talked it up. From the toasted edge of the crust I expected the bottom to be crisp as well and it was not. I liked the whole basil leaves and the crispy pepperoni just as advertised. It is good pizza and stands up to the other pizza we have approved in the past but I do not think it is better than the others.

I would like to try the chicken wings some time. I bet chicken wings cooked in a 900 degree oven would be really good.
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