This dancing elephant was a wonderful, exciting sight to us when we were kids. We thought he was having as good a time as us. We know better now.

Okay, little guy. Let's do some hockey. I think it's going to be a while before he's ready to play with the big boys.
This was the very sad day we had to say goodbye to our dear friend Henry. We miss him. But he has apparently forgotten us because we have not heard form him since.

GOOOOOOAAAAALLLLL!! Soccer is awesome. At least that's what I'm told. I don't watch it myself. I'm from the US. Nobody here watches that stuff.

Doesn't he (or she, I'm unsure) look delicious? I love the jaunty hat. Although I could do without the seat that looks like a kids training potty.

I know. It's not Easter. Not even close. Not even here in Shipping. But someone went to South Carolina and the picture was funny and that's was all we needed.

My sentiments exactly. Mostly. Not mescal. I'm not putting that in my mouth. Unless of course it's free. Then we'll talk.

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