This double Elephun Wednesday post is a transportation special. This guy is just trying to get to work. I can't tell is he is super excited about his new job or terrified because it is almost impossible for an elephant to use a steering wheel because they have no hands. Safe travels.
This guy is soaring through the sky. Which seems like it would be impossible with that little tiny propeller. Don't anyone tell him that though. I think the only thing keeping him in the air is his ignorance of the fact that he shouldn't be up there.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
So, it's a little early for Thanksgiving but we just couldn't help ourselves. This is obviously a card. You know, something you are supposed to send out to people you like. Who wants to get a card like this? If you send me a card like this you are going to get punched in the throat. So happy early Thanksgiving. And if you like all the tension and bad feelings that sometimes come with the holidays, send out some of these cards.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Happy National Pickle Day!
Do you know what today is? It is Babbit's favorite holiday. It is National Pickle Day.
Did you know...
Cleopatra ate pickles because she thought they kept her beautiful.
In Mississippi they make Kool-Aid pickles by soaking dill pickles in kool-aid.
In Connecticut it is not officially a pickle unless it bounces.
Berrien Springs, Michigan, has dubbed itself the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World. In early December, they host a parade, led by the Grand Dillmeister, who tosses out fresh pickles to parade watchers.
Christopher Columbus gave pickles to his sailors to prevent scurvy.
Americans consume more than nine pounds of pickles per person annually.
How ever you celebrate Pickle Day we hope you celebrate responsibly. Remember to always use protection.
Did you know...
Cleopatra ate pickles because she thought they kept her beautiful.
In Mississippi they make Kool-Aid pickles by soaking dill pickles in kool-aid.
In Connecticut it is not officially a pickle unless it bounces.
Berrien Springs, Michigan, has dubbed itself the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World. In early December, they host a parade, led by the Grand Dillmeister, who tosses out fresh pickles to parade watchers.
Christopher Columbus gave pickles to his sailors to prevent scurvy.
Americans consume more than nine pounds of pickles per person annually.
How ever you celebrate Pickle Day we hope you celebrate responsibly. Remember to always use protection.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
This one is a little late. He was chosen on the right date but I was not here to post him. Obviously this one is in honor of Halloween. My favorite part is the pink toenail polish. I think it adds just the right touch. We hope everyone got awesome candy for Halloween and not things like apples and raisins.
Isn't he cute? Just tooting around in his little boat. Too bad he couldn't find one big enough to fit some friends in there with him. Ah, the trials of being a elephant sailor.
Isn't he cute? Just tooting around in his little boat. Too bad he couldn't find one big enough to fit some friends in there with him. Ah, the trials of being a elephant sailor.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Personally I did not think it was worth the calories that I ate or the price that I paid. Especially if Babbit is going to be in physical danger.
Elephun Wednesday
You would think that hopscotch would not be this guy's game. But he seems to be doing okay. Either that or this is just some drunk elephant who happened to stumble onto a hopscotch game. (What do you call it? A court? That can't be right. A field, maybe. I don't know.) From this picture both seem equally as likely.
This one is in honor of my upcoming trip to Texas. I don't think I'll be seeing any elephants down there but this isn't called Horse Wednesdays so...
Ride 'em cowboy!
This one is in honor of my upcoming trip to Texas. I don't think I'll be seeing any elephants down there but this isn't called Horse Wednesdays so...
Ride 'em cowboy!
Friday, October 6, 2017
Rondo's is Always the Answer
So to celebrate Henry's birthday we went to Rondo's. And as always it was awesome. So awesome all our hearts were asking for mercy. No quarter was given. We all ate every last bit. Even Henry. Who, the Shipping Monkeys have agreed, we are slowly killing with our group lunches. He used to eat fish and vegetables. We have put a stop to that. You're welcome, Henry. You might not live to see another birthday but it will be a tasty trip while it lasts.
Elephun Wednesday
Arrr! It's the pachyderm of the high seas here to plunder your booty. (Don't get too excited, Babbit. It's not what you're thinking.)
Monday, October 2, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
This elephant was in honor of my jury duty. My judge was nicer than this one. And I never saw him use his gavel. I was very disappointed.
I have no words.
I have no words.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
Is this inappropriate? I choose to believe we are trying to maintain a sense of humor in the face of horrific circumstances. This guy has found a way to wait out the floods. Here's hoping no other states or islands or communities or provinces or territories or anything else get washed away.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Animal Cracker Anyone?
Here is another elephant in the wild. It is one of the only animal crackers that you can positively identify. Most are approximations of some sort of animal. But this is definitely an elephant. Whose trunk has apparently been stung by a bee. But definitely an elephant.
Babbit saw this book and his mind went right to the gutter. So of course he had to show everyone else. And our minds followed his. Once again this is probably perfectly innocent to most people. But give it to the Shipping Monkeys and this becomes something wildly inappropriate.
Elephun Wednesday
Elephun Wednesday is celebrating every child's favorite time of the year - back to school time. I'm sorry. Did I say every child? I meant every parent. Although this young lad seems like he is happy about the joys of learning.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
Happy labor day! In honor of the holiday this fellow is off to work. In his very nice suit. That for some reason does not come with pants. It must be casual Friday.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
This week our Elephun Wednesday elephant has a helpful (and healhful) tip. Everyone should remember to eat their green vegetables. Apparently he's a racist elephant and only wants green vegetables. Other color vegetables are not welcome here.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Impromptu Lunch
I'm sure this will come as a shock to everyone but, Babbit did not bring his lunch on Monday. And neither did Bee Hee. So Bee Hee suggested Mediterranean. Babbit made bad faces at first but since he can be talked into any place he doesn't have to go himself he finally agreed. And since I have no will power I joined as well. We ended up going to Pita. You know, the place Pizza is always asking if we have tried. By the way, don't tell her we went there or we will get her going on it again.
So I got the falafel salad. Which is just what it sounds like, falafel on a salad. I like to think that since it was a salad it was good for me. I will just ignore the fact that it had fried food on top. I enjoyed it. The salad was a salad, not the best salad I ever had but nothing wilty or anything bad. It had olives in it (obviously) and I even ate one. I was surprised to find they still had pits for some reason. The falafel was good too.
Bee Hee got the chicken shawarma salad. He said the chicken was dry. And didn't say much else. So I'm not really sure what to tell you.
Babbit got the chicken kabob combo plate. He said the chicken was really good but the rice was just okay and kind of bland.

You did get a pita with the salads and Babbit scored two free falafel with his combo. (I think it is a Monday thing but I am not sure.) The dressing for the salad was very thin but tasty. And all the portion sizes were good. I think we were all willing to go back some time.
So I got the falafel salad. Which is just what it sounds like, falafel on a salad. I like to think that since it was a salad it was good for me. I will just ignore the fact that it had fried food on top. I enjoyed it. The salad was a salad, not the best salad I ever had but nothing wilty or anything bad. It had olives in it (obviously) and I even ate one. I was surprised to find they still had pits for some reason. The falafel was good too.
Bee Hee got the chicken shawarma salad. He said the chicken was dry. And didn't say much else. So I'm not really sure what to tell you.
Babbit got the chicken kabob combo plate. He said the chicken was really good but the rice was just okay and kind of bland.
Elephun Wednesday Roundup
Ok, so yeah, it's been a while. I'm lazy. So sue me. Anyhow, we have three Elephun Wednesday pictures for you today.
The first is this poor fellow who can't seem to get out of his own way. He's the kind of guy who would offer to help you move but end up breaking all of your stuff and knocking you down the stairs. He's a bit of a lovable loser. I think we all know someone like him.
Now here is an elephant after my own heart. Can't decide between a big greasy hamburger or the cheesy pizza? Why bother to choose. Just have both. Your heart might explode but you will die happy.
Our last offering is feeling a little under the weather. You just have to feel sorry for him because there is not much worse than having a cold in the summer. Hopefully he has a friend who will bring him some chicken soup. Or whatever the elephant equivalent is. Something vegetarian I hope since the thought of a meat eating elephant is kind of scary.
The first is this poor fellow who can't seem to get out of his own way. He's the kind of guy who would offer to help you move but end up breaking all of your stuff and knocking you down the stairs. He's a bit of a lovable loser. I think we all know someone like him.
Now here is an elephant after my own heart. Can't decide between a big greasy hamburger or the cheesy pizza? Why bother to choose. Just have both. Your heart might explode but you will die happy.
Our last offering is feeling a little under the weather. You just have to feel sorry for him because there is not much worse than having a cold in the summer. Hopefully he has a friend who will bring him some chicken soup. Or whatever the elephant equivalent is. Something vegetarian I hope since the thought of a meat eating elephant is kind of scary.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Monday, July 24, 2017
Now I feel at home
So we have been moved back into our space for a while now. I don't know what is wrong with us that the walls have been blank all this time. But we finally got around to putting up all our art and memorabilia. I have to admit that covering the walls this way does make the tiny office feel even smaller. But it is totally worth it. Because this would just not be shipping with out a bunch of inappropriate stuff hanging all over our walls.
Elephant in the Wild
On my way home the other day I ran into another elephant in the wild. I was just trying to get my steps in by walking to Park Street station and on my way through the Common I came across this guy staring up at me. I don't know who drew it, and I can't say he is the best artist I've ever seen, but you do have to applaud his choice of subject matter. Good job, anonymous elephant artist.
So the Monkeys used to have about five places where we would go to lunch all the time. Lately we have been branching out and adding new places to the list. They are all burger or pizza places, but still... And with all these places to eat sometimes one gets shuffled to the back of the list and kind of forgotten. It happened to Sweet Tomatoes and we were so glad we remembered it when we finally got it again. The same thing happened to Shake Shack. We had it and liked it but with all the other burger places we somehow ended up not going back. Until now. (Henry had the day off and we can never tell him we had burgers with out him. It would break his heart. But he, of course, would blame Babbit, even though he wasn't here either.)
Once again we all enjoyed it and were glad that Danny...Boy had brought it back up. The burgers were slightly crispy around the edges and juicy. Those who got bacon said it was cooked well and you could actually taste it. If you remember from my first post about Shake Shack (which you can see here) the fries got an ambivalent review by almost everyone but me, who liked them. But this time people were singing their praises. We each got our own fries this time because they only have one size and it is pretty much a single serving.
It was around $10 a person which is more than some but not bad. Especially since we all enjoyed it so much.
Once again we all enjoyed it and were glad that Danny...Boy had brought it back up. The burgers were slightly crispy around the edges and juicy. Those who got bacon said it was cooked well and you could actually taste it. If you remember from my first post about Shake Shack (which you can see here) the fries got an ambivalent review by almost everyone but me, who liked them. But this time people were singing their praises. We each got our own fries this time because they only have one size and it is pretty much a single serving.
It was around $10 a person which is more than some but not bad. Especially since we all enjoyed it so much.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
We are continuing our summer themed elephants with this elephant at a water park. Now he is already a little creepy because of his human like features but also I can only think of two things that he might be about to do. One is jump and take off like Superman. I will let you figure out what the second one is. Why anyone would think children wanted to play anywhere near this thing is beyond me.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
More Food We Ate
This is another double post of things I should have posted awhile ago. But, well, deal with it.
So for Danny...Boy's birthday lunch he picked Mooyah. Which none of us had ever heard of before. But it's fun to say. And odds are you are not going to get a bad burger. I mean, it's a burger. There are levels of goodness but even the not so good ones I will still want to eat.
So some of us just built our own but Alan and Henry got the cheddar bacon burger and Bee Hee got the double diablo, only as a single and Babbit got a turkey burger. (Don't tell Henry. Because apparently turkey will kill you.) We also got fries to share and only in the interest of being able to make a full report on the offerings of Mooyah we also got a large vanilla shake to share.
They also have chicken sandwiches, hot dogs and chicken tenders. And we all got potato buns but you could get a wheat one or have lettuce as your bun if you are watching your carbs.
Everything was very good. Not all the toppings are free like you would get with Five Guys but the burger was slightly better. The fries were yummy too. The shake tasted like a melted cup of ice cream and probably would have been better if we got to it before it had melted so much. Babbit said his turkey burger was good (I mean, for a turkey burger). Everyone was pleased. We now have several burger places that are on our lunch list so we might have to get burgers more often. Which would be just fine with me. And maybe if we get burgers enough one of these days I'll be able to pass one up to try a hot dog, because those looked good too.

The second half of the food double feature is an oldie but goodie. We had not been to Sweet Tomatoes for a long time and decided it was time to go back. As always we had trouble picking out our toppings. (You would figure we would have this down by now considering all the pizza we eat.) We finally landed on a broccolli, feta and tomato, a pepperoni and ricotta, and a mushroom and bacon. We got three large because apparently we are idiots. That was way too much pizza for the five of us. Even taking into account left overs for Fishy Fishy it was a crazy amount of pizza. But it was all delicious. Every flavor combination worked. There were the right amount of toppings so you could taste everything and still be able to pick up the pizza. And, although I think it is completely by accident, I like the pick your own size slices. They range from tiny to huge depending on how you feel. I don't know why it took us so long to go back to this old friend but I think everyone was glad that we did.
real burger |
large shake |
So some of us just built our own but Alan and Henry got the cheddar bacon burger and Bee Hee got the double diablo, only as a single and Babbit got a turkey burger. (Don't tell Henry. Because apparently turkey will kill you.) We also got fries to share and only in the interest of being able to make a full report on the offerings of Mooyah we also got a large vanilla shake to share.
fries |
turkey burger |
Everything was very good. Not all the toppings are free like you would get with Five Guys but the burger was slightly better. The fries were yummy too. The shake tasted like a melted cup of ice cream and probably would have been better if we got to it before it had melted so much. Babbit said his turkey burger was good (I mean, for a turkey burger). Everyone was pleased. We now have several burger places that are on our lunch list so we might have to get burgers more often. Which would be just fine with me. And maybe if we get burgers enough one of these days I'll be able to pass one up to try a hot dog, because those looked good too.
Elephun Wednesday
I will start by apologizing for not posting for so long. I hope all the loyal fans will forgive me. I have two elephants to post and I need to get them up before it is Elephun Wednesday again and I have three elephants to post. So here goes...
We have two summer themed elephants for your enjoyment.
Who doesn't love to grill in the summer? Although I thought elephants were plant eaters. Maybe those are tofu dogs. I hope so. I really don't want to think about a carnivorous elephant. I think that would be really scary.
Here our elephant has found a friend. It's always good to swim with a buddy. You made need someone to save you if you get caught in a riptide or something. Or at least someone to run and find someone to save you. Remember to wait at least 30 minutes after eating your delicious tofu dogs before swimming.
We have two summer themed elephants for your enjoyment.

Here our elephant has found a friend. It's always good to swim with a buddy. You made need someone to save you if you get caught in a riptide or something. Or at least someone to run and find someone to save you. Remember to wait at least 30 minutes after eating your delicious tofu dogs before swimming.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Happy Birthday!!!
Today is Danny...Boy's birthday. Happy Birthday! And to celebrate, as usual, we ate. Usually I make the famous Danny...Boy cookies. Even thought it is July and not the season to have the oven on. But this year we mixed it up a little, sort of. I am calling them Danny...Boys 2.0. They are the original cookie with the filling for the Swiss roll. Danny...Boy thought of it himself. And it turned out to be a very good idea. They were yummy. If I do say so myself. I think we have just started a new birthday tradition.
Et Tu Tutto?
squishy Italian |
Ham sandwich - Not Italian |
We are under attack. I don't know what happened but Sam, who we all thought of as our friendly neighborhood fruit fly, got about eight million of his friends and family together and they have invaded shipping. They hang around the office door, ready to ambush us on our way out. They dive bomb our lunch. They fly in circles around our heads in clouds so thick we can't see. We have set up a counter attack. But there is only so much apple cider vinegar can do. I think we are losing this war. Someday someone is going to find us on the shipping room floor having drowned in a sea of fruit flies.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
It's Elephun Wednesday again!! This patriotic pachyderm is ready for the 4th of July. He should put the watch away though because he's got a couple of days to wait. Hope everyone has a happy 4th and no one blows their fingers off. But of course someone will. Because someone always does. Because for some reason people don't realize that fireworks explode. Don't be that person.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
WTF Wichit?
I was just beginning to think that it was an honest mistake. That maybe, just maybe, Wichit wasn't actually trying to kill me in the mustard incident. I even went so far as to say they were off my s#!t list. But now I am more convinced than ever that Wichit hates me and doesn't want me to eat their food.
For like two years I refused to eat a Wichit sandwich. During which time the guys continued to rave about them. And now, just when I started eating there again, they have the worst food they have ever gotten from Wichit.
They got the order wrong. Three sandwiches were supposed to come with chips and only one did. And they put sauerkraut on Danny...Boy's sandwich when he didn't ask for any, The Monkeys say that they have never gotten bad french fries from Wichit, This time they were dreadful. They were cold, old and stale. It was like someone had forgotten to throw away yesterday's fries and they just decided to serve them even though they had been sitting out all night.
Several of the Monkeys even complained that the sandwiches were not as good as normal. And this time I went off the map a little and got a buffalo chicken wrap. The description says 'crispy' chicken but no matter how crispy if you put it in a wrap with buffalo sauce and blue cheese dressing the breading is going to be a soggy mess. And in the end the wrap tasted like something you could get ready made at Star Market.
Maybe it was just a bad day. I will give them another try. But really, I think they are out to get me.
They got the order wrong. Three sandwiches were supposed to come with chips and only one did. And they put sauerkraut on Danny...Boy's sandwich when he didn't ask for any, The Monkeys say that they have never gotten bad french fries from Wichit, This time they were dreadful. They were cold, old and stale. It was like someone had forgotten to throw away yesterday's fries and they just decided to serve them even though they had been sitting out all night.
Several of the Monkeys even complained that the sandwiches were not as good as normal. And this time I went off the map a little and got a buffalo chicken wrap. The description says 'crispy' chicken but no matter how crispy if you put it in a wrap with buffalo sauce and blue cheese dressing the breading is going to be a soggy mess. And in the end the wrap tasted like something you could get ready made at Star Market.
Maybe it was just a bad day. I will give them another try. But really, I think they are out to get me.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Elephun Wednesday
Happy first day of summer! You would think that on the first day of summer we would have a happy, cheery picture. Surprise! Instead we have this rather depressing offering. We had the new guy pick the picture this week. I think he misunderstood when we said to make it a goofy one. Hope your summer started off better than this poor elephant's did.
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