Tuesday, July 18, 2017

More Food We Ate

This is another double post of things I should have posted awhile ago.  But, well, deal with it.

real burger
large shake
So for Danny...Boy's birthday lunch he picked Mooyah.  Which none of us had ever heard of before.  But it's fun to say.  And odds are you are not going to get a bad burger.  I mean, it's a burger.  There are levels of goodness but even the not so good ones I will still want to eat.

So some of us just built our own but Alan and Henry got the cheddar bacon burger and Bee Hee got the double diablo, only as a single and Babbit got a turkey burger.  (Don't tell Henry.  Because apparently turkey will kill you.)  We also got fries to share and only in the interest of being able to make a full report on the offerings of Mooyah we also got a large vanilla shake to share.

turkey burger
They also have chicken sandwiches, hot dogs and chicken tenders.  And we all got potato buns but you could get a wheat one or have lettuce as your bun if you are watching your carbs.

Everything was very good.  Not all the toppings are free like you would get with Five Guys but the burger was slightly better.  The fries were yummy too.  The shake tasted like a melted cup of ice cream and probably would have been better if we got to it before it had melted so much.  Babbit said his turkey burger was good (I mean, for a turkey burger).  Everyone was pleased.  We now have several burger places that are on our lunch list so we might have to get burgers more often.  Which would be just fine with me.  And maybe if we get burgers enough one of these days I'll be able to pass one up to try a hot dog, because those looked good too.

The second half of the food double feature is an oldie but goodie.  We had not been to Sweet Tomatoes for a long time and decided it was time to go back.  As always we had trouble picking out our toppings.  (You would figure we would have this down by now considering all the pizza we eat.)  We finally landed on a broccolli, feta and tomato, a pepperoni and ricotta, and a mushroom and bacon.  We got three large because apparently we are idiots.  That was way too much pizza for the five of us.  Even taking into account left overs for Fishy Fishy it was a crazy amount of pizza.  But it was all delicious.  Every flavor combination worked.  There were the right amount of toppings so you could taste everything and still be able to pick up the pizza.  And, although I think it is completely by accident, I like the pick your own size slices.  They range from tiny to huge depending on how you feel.  I don't know why it took us so long to go back to this old friend but I think everyone was glad that we did.

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