Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Woody's again

In the past I have only posted about restaurants the first time we have gone there.  But it has come to my attention that we have been using the Shipping Monkeys blog as a kind of reference/archive sort of thing.  So even though we have posted about Woody's Grill before I'm going to post it again. Because I want to keep better records of the toppings we have tried in the hopes that some day it will not take us five hours to pick what we want on our pizza.

This time around we got a pepperoni, a green pepper and onion, a ricotta cheese and Italian sausage, and a feta, spinach and tomato.  This time around we could not order ahead of time because their phone lines were down so Babbit and Bee Hee went over and ordered in person.  And I think Woody's felt a little rushed because the pizza should have been in the oven a couple of minutes more, the toppings were not even close to evenly distributed and the slices were cut in a random fashion.  Not that I blame them.  If those two were hanging out in my restaurant I'd hurry to get them out too.

The pizza was still good though.  The feta, spinach and tomato is always a surprise hit.  The pepper and onion was good, Henry and I liked it but since two of our number do not like onions it is not really a crowd favorite.  The other two were good too.  The ricotta was nice and creamy and the sausage was not too spicy.  There were four pizzas and seven of us and only two slices left over.  And both were pepper and onion.  So maybe try a different combo for us vegetable lovers next time.  But otherwise everything was yummy as usual.

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