Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Elephun Wednesday

It's Elephun Wednesday again.  This week we managed to find a photo of the rare water elephant, or manaphant.  We all know that the poor manatee is always getting himself chopped up by boat propellers.  So this guy has adapted a natural snorkle to keep him out of reach of the horrible spinning death that awaits him on the surface.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Elephun Wednesday

I once again have to apologize for a late Elephun Wednesday.  In fact I haven't posted much of anything on the blog in a while.  I blame Babbit.  And so should you.  He got everyone sick and so we are all off our game right now.  But even that couldn't stop Elephun Wednesday.  Every week we are surprised at the breath and width and depth of the collection of elephant pictures you can find on the internet.  This week we found one everyone can agree on.  Although I have to say that I'm a little creeped out by his claws for some reason.  But I guess it's hard to hold a light-saber with an elephant foot.  May the force be with you, young pachyderm.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Elephun Wednesday

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This week for Elephun Wednesday we celebrate the Olympics.  There was a surprising entry this year. And he came stampeding onto the track and field scene.  You see here that he won by a trunk.  The other racers complained that it was an unfair advantage.  But that just sounds like sour grapes to me.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Elephun Wednesday

Yes, I know.  It isn't Wednesday at all.  But I was off yesterday and didn't get around to posting.  Anyway, this week we have the jellybean hoarding elephant.  Like a dragon on his hoard of gold this elephant sits on his jellybeans protecting them from all comers.  And in his down time he apparently paints his toenails.  I don't know if it is a tiny little elephant or they are really big jellybeans.  Both actually sound like they would be fun.  I would love a tiny elephant as a pet.  And I would eat giant jellybeans too.  Except for the black ones.  Those are terrible.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

More Food News

So on Friday we got a personal request from The Kid, which never happens, and since it was The Kid of course we did what he wanted.  So we went back to Amelia's Taqueria.  Besides everyone except Henry liked the place and Henry wasn't in.  So it all worked out anyway.  We have gone there before and you can read my notes on it here.  The food was all good again.  This time we got some chips and salsa which we all enjoyed too.  And last time I complained about the lack of heat.  It turns out the salsa is hot.  I just couldn't taste it through all the other stuff I got in my quesadilla.  If you like heat I would suggest you get some extra salsa on the side and add some more.  It was very tasty.

Also in food news we went to Whiskey's.  A couple of us came in on Saturday to work for a couple of hours to try and make Monday suck less.  (It worked by the way.  Monday was less sucky than it would have been.  By, like, a lot.)  And we decided to go out to lunch after.  Bee Hee got the cheesesteak eggrolls, Babbit got a hamburger, and Bucky got the Reuben sandwich.  All of the food was very good.  The bread on the Reuben was buttery and had just the right amount of crunch.  Babbit didn't say anything bad about the burger.  Which with Babbit is the same thing as singing its praises.  And Bee Hee said his eggrolls were good.  The fries were okay, nothing special, but the onion rings were good.  They were thick ones but the batter on them was very good.  Babbit was noncommittal about the whole thing but Bee Hee was all for going back some time with the whole crowd.

Friday, August 5, 2016


Ok.  So this week kudos goes to the UPS man.  Why?  Well, because every day this week he has had about six packages to deliver to us.  That never happens.  And we loved it.  Keep it up.

Visiting Royalty

Okay, so maybe he isn't royalty.  But he's the closest thing The Shipping Monkeys have to royalty.  Our old (I mean former) boss came back for a visit.  He is the undisputed best boss that ever was.  Better than anyone else the Shipping Monkeys have ever gotten to work with.  And when he comes back to visit he comes bearing gifts.  He not only brought us a big bag of chocolate, he also bought us Umberto's pizza.  What could be better than that?  Nothing.  That's what.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Elephun Wednesday

Hurray!  It's Elephun Wednesday! And apparently Elephun Wednesday has plans of its own.  We go looking for pictures with something in mind and then something completely different shows up that is so perfect we can't pass it up.  This seems to be a picture of one of the Four Elephants of the Apocalypse. If you see him there is no use running.  The end is near.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

New Phone

Our phone kicked the bucket the other day.  It was nice for a while because we didn't have to answer it but it did become a problem so we finally had to tell someone.  So we got a new phone.  Well, it is not a new phone.  But it is new to us.  And our new (to us) phone is now the only thing within a 30 yard radius that is not covered in an eighth of an inch of dust.  We are taking bets on how long that lasts.  I'm thinking we won't be able to read the numbers by the end of the week.

More Awesome Subs

steak and cheese with everything
On Friday we went to Rondo's.  Most of us got steak and cheese subs.  Alan got a steak and egg.  And of course Babbit got chicken.  A chicken bomb to be precise.  He ended up splitting with Bee Hee who had gotten a steak bomb even though that was not what he ordered.  The steak and cheese subs are awesome.  (We have been there before and had the pastrami.  That is also very good.)  And Alan liked his egg thing.  The chicken was met with mixed feelings.  Bee Hee said it was very cheesy like that was a bad thing so I don't really understand.  But he also said the chicken was dry.  Babbit said the sandwich was good but he preferred the steak.  Well, duh.  Of course he did.  Who wouldn't?  All of the subs are packed full and they are big.  So don't get a large unless you want to have the same thing for lunch the next day as well.  (Not that I would mind that.)  The fries did not travel well.  I think they probably would have been good if we had them fresh but they had already started to go all chewy by the time we got them.  We like Rondo's.  The prices and the food are good and we don't all have to agree on one thing for lunch.  And they drew a goofy face on our take out bag.  They are a cash only place so if you are going make sure to stop by the ATM first.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Health Tips

It's August already.  I hope everyone has made their annual appointments to get their stomachs checked for diamonds.  It is still a mystery how the diamonds get in your stomach, but one thing is for sure, if you have diamonds in your stomach, you die soon.  So get checked today.