Thursday, August 31, 2017

Elephun Wednesday

Happy labor day!  In honor of the holiday this fellow is off to work.  In his very nice suit.  That for some reason does not come with pants.  It must be casual Friday.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Elephun Wednesday

This week our Elephun Wednesday elephant has a helpful (and healhful) tip.  Everyone should remember to eat their green vegetables.  Apparently he's a racist elephant and only wants green vegetables.  Other color vegetables are not welcome here.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Impromptu Lunch

I'm sure this will come as a shock to everyone but, Babbit did not bring his lunch on Monday.  And neither did Bee Hee.  So Bee Hee suggested Mediterranean.  Babbit made bad faces at first but since he can be talked into any place he doesn't have to go himself he finally agreed.  And since I have no will power I joined as well.  We ended up going to Pita.  You know, the place Pizza is always asking if we have tried.  By the way, don't tell her we went there or we will get her going on it again.

So I got the falafel salad.  Which is just what it sounds like, falafel on a salad.  I like to think that since it was a salad it was good for me.  I will just ignore the fact that it had fried food on top.  I enjoyed it.  The salad was a salad, not the best salad I ever had but nothing wilty or anything bad. It had olives in it (obviously) and I even ate one.  I was surprised to find they still had pits for some reason.  The falafel was good too.

Bee Hee got the chicken shawarma salad.  He said the chicken was dry.  And didn't say much else.  So I'm not really sure what to tell you.

Babbit got the chicken kabob combo plate.  He said the chicken was really good but the rice was just okay and kind of bland.

You did get a pita with the salads and Babbit scored two free falafel with his combo. (I think it is a Monday thing but I am not sure.)  The dressing for the salad was very thin but tasty.  And all the portion sizes were good.  I think we were all willing to go back some time.

Elephun Wednesday Roundup

Ok, so yeah, it's been a while.  I'm lazy.  So sue me.  Anyhow, we have three Elephun Wednesday pictures for you today.

The first is this poor fellow who can't seem to get out of his own way.  He's the kind of guy who would offer to help you move but end up breaking all of your stuff and knocking you down the stairs. He's a bit of a lovable loser.  I think we all know someone like him.

Now here is an elephant after my own heart.  Can't decide between a big greasy hamburger or the cheesy pizza?  Why bother to choose.  Just have both.  Your heart might explode but you will die happy.

Our last offering is feeling a little under the weather.  You just have to feel sorry for him because there is not much worse than having a cold in the summer.  Hopefully he has a friend who will bring him some chicken soup.  Or whatever the elephant equivalent is.  Something vegetarian I hope since the thought of a meat eating elephant is kind of scary.