Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Ya Know!

Isn't this awesome!  See what you can get done if you know the right people?  Ya know what else is awesome?  How many people you can get to say ya know for no reason at all.  But you never actually need a reason to say ya know.  It is multipurpose.  Or it can have no purpose.  It can mean everything, or nothing.  It's perfect for all occasions.  And all the Shipping Monkeys would like to thank the Super Cobra for spending his own time to make our Ya Know! sign.

Elephun Wednesday

I feel like a nice ice cream soda.  Apparently this guy does too.  I'm guessing it isn't his first.

So, this is pretty creepy.  What is more worrying than the thought that something like this might exist is the fact that someone spent a lot of time and effort to create this so people like us could find it on the internet.

Isn't he cute?  Unlike that creepy elf on the shelf that spies on you for Santa and moves around your house at night. 

Hey there, slow down!  I bet he's the type of old geezer that likes to run over people with his scooter because they think they can do anything they want because they are old.  I don't think I like him. 

We seem to like elephant hybrids.  And there are a surprising amount of elephant hybrids to be found.  If you type hawkephant into a search engine things actually come up.  Who knew?

These party animals know how to have a good time.  See what I did there?  Party animals?  They are actually animals.  Get it?  Babbit won't think it's funny because he didn't say it.

Who's hungry?  I always am.  And I like spaghetti.  But I don't know if I would trust this guy to make my dinner.