Friday, September 15, 2017

Elephun Wednesday

Is this inappropriate?  I choose to believe we are trying to maintain a sense of humor in the face of horrific circumstances.  This guy has found a way to wait out the floods.  Here's hoping no other states or islands or communities or provinces or territories or anything else get washed away.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Animal Cracker Anyone?

Here is another elephant in the wild.  It is one of the only animal crackers that you can positively identify.  Most are approximations of some sort of animal.   But this is definitely an elephant.  Whose trunk has apparently been stung by a bee.  But definitely an elephant.


Babbit saw this book and his mind went right to the gutter.  So of course he had to show everyone else.  And our minds followed his.  Once again this is probably perfectly innocent to most people.  But give it to the Shipping Monkeys and this becomes something wildly inappropriate.

Elephun Wednesday

Elephun Wednesday is celebrating every child's favorite time of the year - back to school time.  I'm sorry.  Did I say every child?  I meant every parent.  Although this young lad seems like he is happy about the joys of learning.