Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May Elephun Wednesdays

We've all been there.  You are out and about and there are no bathrooms in sight.  I mean, what are you going to do?  You just need to cop a squat somewhere.  Just, please, try to do it where no one will step in it.  Because no one needs that. 

Horse racing is the sport of kings.  So what would elephant racing be?  Since it is obviously far superior the sport of emperors, or sultans maybe? 

Ah, who doesn't enjoy a few cold ones after work?  And the person who drew this seems to have indulged in more than a few. 

Ok.  It has a trunk so I'm calling it an elephant.  Why he has wings on the sides of his very pointy head is anyone's guess.  But who am I to judge.  I'm just going to let him enjoy eating his banana.  Or singing to it.  I'm not really sure which.

This elephant has had a little mishap.  As, apparently, did the person who drew this elephant.  And I am left to wonder once again why all this stuff is on the internet.  But then I'm looking at it so...

April Elephun Wednesdays

I have so many questions about the person who drew this.  Like, was he ever so high that he imagined himself as an elephant, sitting on a toilet, hallucinating a snake?  I bet the answer is yes.

Vegas, baby!!  Who wouldn't take a free drink from this pretty lady?  Not me, I can tell you that.  But then my standards are not very high when talking about free drinks.  Just remember everyone, never bet more than you can afford to lose.  The house always wins.

Woo hoo! Bruins are winning!  And isn't that awesome.  I'm pretty sure this guy will never make the team.  But it is good to have dreams.  The important thing is to have fun.

Would you care for some sherry? Or maybe some cognac?  Or whatever it is that sophisticated people drink.  I wouldn't know.  But I bet this guy does. 

March Elephun Wednesdays

Yep.  I have gotten so far behind that I am going to update the Elephun Wednesdays by month.

It has been a cold spring.  But this fun loving guy doesn't seem to mind.  He gets to build snowmen in March.  But I'm done with it.  Warm up already.

We all know one, right?  That one person who can't figure out how to use a computer.  Who still doesn't have an email address.  We are on to you!  You just act dumb so someone else will do it.  I'm not falling for it any more.

A whole basket full of good luck.  I could use some of that myself.  But if I am going to chase down mythical creatures I think I'd rather go for a leprechaun.  I could use some gold too.

Did she overdo it with the makeup or does she have some sort of horrible disease?  I don't know.  But I'm pretty sure that tiny little umbrella is useless.  Besides it with just blow inside out in the wind.  Why go through the bother?